MyHappyStreet Data Retention Policy

The MyHappyStreet website is operated by MyHappyStreet ( We retain the following data:

  • First and Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Postcode 
  • Street Name
  • Date of registration
  • IP Address
  • Visits to the site and emails clicks

Why We Retain Personal Data

MyHappyStreet website must retain certain data in order to provide users with reminder emails to check our website to see the status of their draw and whether they have won a draw.  Additionally, data is retained to inform users about promotions, new offers, free offers and any other offers of interest, this will be communicated via email.  Data is also retained to give users a better tailored service.

Automatic Unsubscribee

Users are automatically unsubscribed from MyHappyStreet email communications if they have not clicked onto an email after the first 60 days have been sent.  Users are also automatically unsubscribed if there has been no email activity for a period of six months (this includes opening an email or clicking onto an email).  Active users with registrations older than six months will be sent an automatic trigger email every six months to remind them that they are still members but that they have the option to unsubscribe if they wish to do so.  This is not an email marketing message and if a user clicks on the unsubscribe link, they will automatically be removed.

Manually Unsubscribing

MyHappyStreet website stores all profile matching data for two years in order to make sure that the user receives relevant offers best tailored to their profile.  Users can unsubscribe at any time by visiting or alternatively by selecting “unsubscribe” which is situated at the bottom of every email that we send.

Two years post registration, all inactive users are instantly removed from our member database however, their details will not be deleted but suppressed instead.  A user may request to be deleted but must confirm this action via email.  Upon receipt of this type of email, all personal data is moved into a suppression area indefinitely.  Data is still stored but not used and we keep this detail for regulatory purposes. This is for legitimate interest only. The following details are stored offline and encrypted:

  • First Name
  • Surname
  • Email Address



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